1) I was playing $100/$200NL which in terms of £££ (cos I play in £££ on Sky) is only £60/£120NL. Then when you take into account I'm only getting 50%, that means I'm effectively playing £30/£60NL but I'm already comfortably rolled to play £50NL myself on Sky.
2) The games were a lot tougher than on Sky which I think was partly due to 95% of the players being from the US so playing my regular hours meant it was afternoon over there so unlikely to be many recs about, and with having 2 young children I just wasn't prepared to change my whole body clock to start doing my sessions like 1am - 6am so that I can play at what would be peak time for the US.
3) I only received a small amount of coaching throughout the 2 months but I did find it useful and that along with the experience of playing in those games has definitely made me come away a better player. The coaching was one the big positives of the staking deal but I know a couple of very good players that offer coaching at pretty reasonable prices so will just be doing that on my own money which I'm sure will be paid for just by the fact my winrate will be a lot better on Sky.
I emailed the guys at BRS and we separated on good terms (as far as I know...).
My first month back at Sky grinding 50NL went great. Things were going really well early doors, I was running well and playing well, so I started to take some shots at 100NL which also went well. I had one rough weekend towards the end of the month where I dropped almost £1k but then won most of that back in the last week of the month.
During April Sky ran various promos to give away over 100 x iPad Airs, one of which was weekly rake races. I got a top 5 finish in one of the weekly rake races so bagged myself one of these...
I've got a big month planned for May because Priority are running a promo giving away some prize bundles with each person having an individual target. Sky also recently announced the UKPC 6-max festival at DTD taking place in August so definitely trying to satellite my way into the £1k main event as soon as possible.