So it's been a long time since I've updated this.
I got into the UKPC £1k main event mentioned in my last update via a rake race promo on Sky which turned out to be a mini disaster after what it took to win the rakerace. The main event wasn't much of a success and I went out near the end of Day 1 in a standard spot of shoving the button with 22 and losing a flip against AK.
Things have been going pretty well recently at the cash tables online and a couple of good months has seen me back to shot taking/making the move back up to £100NL.
Recently one of the regular posters on the Sky forum was having a go at £4NL for a change from DYMs but seemed to be struggling with the transition so I put together this very quick, rough video for him of me playing 6 tables of it.
I always mean to play the Grand Prix events at DTD, but always forget to get round to playing until it's too late and I'm reading updates of Day 2. So this time round I made sure I was definitely gonna play it. I didn't get round to playing any of the satellites so just bought in direct (£125) for one the live Day 1s...
The day started
in a really frustrating fashion, I just kept bricking all my draws and
no-one ever failed to brick their draws V me when I had a hand. I was up
and down for a while, only winning non-showdown pots, and somehow got from the
50k starting stack up to about 60k by 500/1k (I think level 4/5), then I
had a really grim hand. The runout was 348dd, To, Ko, so no possible
straights or flushes and the money went in over 3 streets with my 33 V
villian's 44. That left me with 5xBB and I shipped K9, called by Q6 and
It's a 2hr drive to DTD (and that's pretty much the closest
card room/casino to me) so seen as I was already there I thought I'd
give it a 2nd shot. So I re-entered with 50 bigs. I was card dead for
what felt like an absolute age after re-entering but somehow managed to
maintain my 50k starting stack. Blinds got to 1.5k/3k and I minraised 99
UTG, only the BB calls. Flop comes 772dd, I cbet small, villian who has
been pretty laggy/spewy raises. I'm pretty sure he'd have 3b pre with
most bigger PPs and I didn't think he was raising the flop with 7x or
the odd bigger PP he might not have 3b pre TT/JJ, so I stick the rest
in, he calls with K2 and I hold for 100k.
Not long after, someone
minraises from EP with about 50k, I 3bet AKo, he ships, I snap, and we
win a flip against JJ to go to 155k. After that, I was pretty card dead
again for ages and slowly blinded down a bit. Long story short, I found
myself in the last level of the day (4k/8k) with just over 100k. At this
point I wasn't gonna blow it and just gamble but I was hoping some
kinda spot would come up for me to try and double or bust before the day
ended. It was pretty annoying cos obviously everyone was putting a lot
of thought into their decisions, whether it was a case of 'do I wanna
bust out now this close to day 2' or 'how much am I willing to gamble it
up to make sure I get a stack for tomorrow' but either way there was 20
mins to go and everyone was tanking for so long about every decision
when all I wanted to do was get as many hands as possible played so I
had the best chance of finding a hand to GII with. With about 5 mins to
go, that laggy/spewy villian to my right minraised, I shipped AJs, he
called with AJo and we chop it up. The very next hand he just open ships
this time, and I call with AJs. He turns over TT, we flop a FD, brick
turn, then flush completes on the river and we've got 222k. I put my 1k ante
in next hand which is the last hand of the night and we finish with a
221k stack to take into day 2 on Sunday.
361 players came back for Day 2 from the 2013 (entries) that started, 215 were
getting paid and average was 270k so I was just a little under that.
start of the day went great, everyone was either card dead or being vvv
nitty and I was getting plenty of playable hands so it was a long time
before I lost a pot. I opened 33, then took it down with a cbet, opened
55, took down the blinds, opened AK, and took it down on a Kxx flop,
then I 3b sqz AKo, jam QTx flop, villian folds AK and I was up to 360k
in about 20 mins.
The first pot of the day that actually made it past
a flop, I opened ATo in mid position, and was peeled by 1 of the
blinds. Flop is Ax Kd Qd and I bet/call flop. Turn is a brick, 3c iirc
and he checks so I instantly ruled out most/all value hands that beat me
unless he's playing it very strange, I check back. River is another
brick, 7c I think, and he bets small. Calling and losing would have left
me with like 60k but called and was good to take me to nearly 500k.
long after that someone shoved AT, I reshipped AK and we hold to go up
to 650k. By this point average was about 415k, blinds I think were
8k/16k with 238 left so nearing the money
Can't really remember many more hands of
note, just a few raise/folds etc but by the time I got ITM I had 500k
(just over avg) and blinds were 10/20k. Once we got ITM people
started flying out cos the payjumps were really small so everyone was just
trying to spin it up or go home. So I open KQo with 500k @ 12k/24k from
the CO, expecting to snap off either of the blinds who have <15xBB.
The SB shipped, I call, he has 96ss and it runs out 24435 and that
leaves me with about 150k. I don't play another pot until the BTN shoves
on my next BB, by which point I have about 140k and blinds have gone up
to 15k/30k so I snap with A8hh and we hold against QJo. Now I'm back in
the region of 300k, and I ship the BTN with KQcc and the 96ss guy from
earlier has AK in the blinds and it's gg.
I finished 181st and got £250 so was exactly break even cos I used 2 bullets on it. Meh at least it was a free flag.
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