Thursday, 8 January 2015

New Grind For The New Year

If I'm honest, 2014 was a little disappointing, one serious bink helped make it a pretty good year all round but otherwise I feel like I've underachieved and I largely have to blame myself for that.

Of course the highlight of last year was finishing third at the UKPC 6max side event for £18,000 which at the time was only my 2nd HM flag (I had only played 10 live events ever). Now I've played 11 live events and have a 3rd HM flag after mincashing the Grand Prix Final at DTD. That UKPC bink was nearly 11 months ago now though so I guess I'll have to get crushing 2015 and find something new to brag about!

Towards the end of 2014 I made the decision to move the vast majority of my volume over to MTTs. I'll still be playing cash when the action's good but most evenings are going to be devoted to MTTs now. I spent the last 6 weeks or so of 2014 with this new regime with the best result being a FT in the UKOPS Main Event, busting in 6th for £1956. Here are my MTT stats for the whole of 2014

Then around new year I was contacted by a guy I know from playing on Sky Poker, asking if I'd be interested in joining a stable of MTT players that he's involved with. There are a few people involved in running the stable, one of those and the one providing all of the coaching is Marc Wright. It's absolute perfect timing just as I was going to be starting to grind MTTs myself anyway, to have the opportunity to be coached by one of the best MTT players in the country. I'll be retaining all of my own (cash and MTT) action on Sky, but will be backed for any other sites... Stars, 888, Ipoker, Party etc.

I've only played a few sessions for them up to now, I made my 2nd FT of the stable yesterday and would have been off to a cracking start if I'd managed to take it down but still happy to be in profit at this early stage.

This is going to be an amazing opportunity for me, it's exciting year ahead, and I'm definitely gonna need to put a ton of hard work in to make the most of the coaching that I'll be receiving, but I'm feeling very motivated to make this year a very big one in my poker career.

GL everyone else with your 2015!

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